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Thursday 8/11/16

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While you’ve been watching the Olympic Games on TV, our weightlifting coach, Lyndzey, has been watching in person…and she got to hold the torch IN RIO. I didn’t even know I had that on my bucket list. 

Read – Jeremy Shuler to attend Cornell at age 12

Speed Ladder

3 Sets
5 Strict Pull-ups 
5 Downdog Push-ups
10 Swings
1/1 Getup 

“The Chief”

Complete 5 rounds of the following:

3 Minute AMRAP of:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push-Ups
9 Air Squats
1:00 Rest

L4 – as Rx – try to get 5 rounds per 3 min interval 
L3 – 115/75 if necessary
L2 – sub 5 reps Double KB cleans, push-ups to a box if necessary
L0/1 – sub 5 KB swings, push-ups to a box