You are currently viewing Thursday 7/24/14

Thursday 7/24/14

Take a moment to see all that you have already accomplished, to realize just how much all of your hard work really has paid off.

Take a breather. Note the lost inches on your body and the added pounds on the bar. Notice the lost insecurities and the added skills.

Change is slow and frustrating.

Change has to be beaten out and won. Often in the battle though, as we make progress or slide backwards, we forget where we have come from. We get caught up in the trials of today and forget that a year ago such tribulations were aspiring hopes and dreams.

Fitness is worked on for a lifetime. There is no end, no ultimate destination. Don’t let a few days or weeks or months discourage you from a lifetime of success.

Dynamic Athletic Movement

3 Sets
1 Turkish Getup R/L
10 Down dog Push-ups

20 Minutes
Max effort triple Back Squat

20 Yd LIGHT Sled push

Should be an all-out sprint as you push.