Run to Sessions
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Pushups
15 Minutes
Levels 2-4
Snatch Progression
10 minutes E2MOM (5 Sets)
2 x [Snatch Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch] at 80% of 1RM Snatch
L3/4 – squat snatch
L2 – power snatch if necessary
Level 0/1
5 Sets
1/2 Getup (up to standing)
3x (same hand)
1 Swing
1 Clean
1 Squat
1 Press
1/2 Getup (down to supine)
Switch hands and repeat
“Five Orange Pips”
You have one minute to complete the required reps of each exercise before moving to the next one.
Notice that each level is performing the circuit in a slightly different order, for equipment allocation and space management. Also, ALL Levels are working for 24 minutes. Make sure you understand the rep scheme and exercise order for YOUR LEVEL and don’t worry about what other people are doing.
Level 4
24 Minutes EMOM (8 Rounds)
1. 20 Wall Balls
2. 10 Burpee Box Jumps (not over, just on the box)
3. 20 Double Unders and 8 Toes to Bar
Level 3
24 Minutes EMOM (8 Rounds)
1. 10 Burpees
2. 15 Double Unders and 5 Knees to Elbows (or 10 V-ups)
3. 15 Wall Balls
Level 2
24 Minutes EMOM (8 Rounds)
1. 75 Single Unders
2. 12 Wall Balls
3. 6 Burpees
Levels 0/1
24 Minutes EMOM (8 Rounds)
1. 10 Wall Balls
2. 5 Burpees
3. 45 seconds Jump Rope