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Thursday 5/4/17

For those you that missed Mario’s elbow position demo yesterday….

Saturday in the Park – May 13th at 9:30 am. 

MVMNT Liftoff – Saturday, July 15th. This is your opportunity to test all 5 big lifts in a competition style setting without dropping a load of cash or traveling far. It’s the reason for the season.

Speed Ladder
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Pushups

“Just to Get a Rep”

30 Minute Limit

Levels 3/4

21 Toes to Bar
21 Box Jumps
21 Hang Power Cleans
15 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jump Overs
15 Hang Power Cleans (add weight)
9 Toes to Bar
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs
9 Hang Power Cleans (add weight)

L4 – M: 135/165/185, 30″ box; W: 95/115/135, 24″ box
L3 – M: 115/135/155; W: 65/85/105

It’s supposed to be heavy. It’s supposed to be challenging.
Yes, those are the weights you must do.
No, you can’t “scale” it down because you’re comfortable being weak.
Either do the weights as prescribed or do the L2 workout.
I love you all but you’re ruining my programming by doing what you feel like instead of what I plan out.
You have THIRTY MINUTES to get it done. If you’re strong, it’s a 12-15 minute workout.
If those loads aren’t easy for you, there’s a lot of time for pacing and resting so you can maximize your work output.

Level 2

Do yourselves a favor and don’t attempt the L3/4 workout unless you’ve passed the test. It’s embarrassing.
The Level 2 workouts are designed to prepare you for Level 3. The more advanced workouts aren’t meant for you.
Yes, even you. I know you’re special, but I am talking to YOU.
Earn it.

12 Hang Power Cleans
12 Box Jumps
12 Toes to Bar or Knees to Elbows

L2 – 95/65 (not lighter), try to stick to less than 4 minutes per round
You should do HPC in this workout ONLY if you are proficient at the movement. Now is NOT the time to learn a new, technical lift. Substitute Double Kettlebell Cleans (which you should have mastered in L1) instead.

Levels 0/1
24 Minutes AMRAP

10 Double Kettlebell Cleans
10 Box Jumps
10 Ball-up Situps
Rest 60 seconds

L0/1 – You may sub heavy swings for cleans and you may jump on a low box or do broad jumps if necessary.
Try to get 6+ rounds (but don’t skip the rest!!!). I am giving you a minute’s rest after each round so that you can push yourselves hard and not rest DURING the round. Try to move one rep after another, and quickly transition to the next exercise. Once you finish the situps take a break and try to recover your breath and lower your heart rate as much as you can in a minute–then get right back to the cleans.

20 Partner Leg Throws
10 Supermans (hold each rep for 2 seconds)