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Thursday 5/19/16



Read – 4 Things to Do AFTER Lifting to Boost Gains from Dr. John Rusin. For instance, are you wasting a lifetime foam rolling prior to your workout instead of hitting it afterwards?? You might be stopping your own progress. 

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
10 Down dog Push-ups

5 Broad Jumps
5 Heavy Swings

Levels 2-4

3 – 3 – 3+
Deadlift (60-70-80%) Add 10# to each work set from last week. 

Levels 0/1

8 x 5
Double Kettlebell Deadlift



12 Minutes AMRAP

Levels 2-4

10 Alternating Single Arm Swings
5 Strict Dead Hang Pull-ups (no kipping!**) 

L4 – 32/24
L3 –  24+/20+
L2 – use bands if necessary 

**5 Burpee penalty per kipping pull-up**

Levels 0/1

10 Alternating Single Arm Swings
10 Ring Rows

We have a few ladies doing volunteer things at Regionals. Here’s a few inside shots. 

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