Congratulations to Jeb on being one of the first CFSQ athletes to complete all five Open workouts! Jeb has begun a trail race series call the Mountain Goat Adventures out of Woodstock. They host trail running and mountain bike events throughout the year, like Xterra but on a much smaller scale. They get about 200 runners out for every event, which can feel very crowded on trails.
“I took up trail running about 3 weeks before starting CrossFit. I ran a couple of the short distance races last year. I wanted to do the entire series this year and step up to the longer distance option. This is where the more serious runner dwells. I made the podium in the fall for my age group in the Blankets Creek 6 Miler, but I expect to be middle of the pack in the longer distance. Every race of the series (4 in all) earns you points. Those with the most points at the end of the series win something. Not sure what.
Running on trails is amazing. It’s changed how I look at running in general. I want to run hard and fast, but not at the expense of missing how awesome it is to be in nature. My boys will even come out with me (as long as there is a 4 mile option for them). Sometimes, I swear that I hear banjos and it makes me run harder.”
Today was Jeb’s last workout at CFSQ. He will be missed!
We look forward to seeing all of our members on Saturday at 9:30 & 10:30 for class and around 11:30 for BBQ! Please be sure to RSVP to ivy@crossfitonthesquare.com!
Dynamic Athletic Movement
2 Sets
Hip Mobility Sequence
10 Kettlebell Swings (heavy)
10 Double Kettlebell Clean and Press (light)
5-10 Minutes
Skill Practice
CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.5
4 Minute AMRAP*
15 Thrusters
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
*4 minutes bonus time awarded for every 90 reps (3 rounds) completed
Rx: M100/W65 with C2B Pull-ups
Masters: M65/W45 with M-Chin Over Bar/W-Jumping C2B Pull-ups