You are currently viewing Thursday 4/21/16

Thursday 4/21/16

Our warmest wishes go out to our Strength coaches, Vanessa & Dave, as the welcomed Rosalie Barre Bell into the world yesterday at 2:37 pm weighing 8lbs 4oz, measuring 20in long!!!! The whole family is doing very well. (If you would like to help with meals, please email

It’s all going down Saturday….

Bring a Friend: There are only 2 spots left before we hit max capacity. If you are bringing your best pal to get fit with, let us know ASAP!

Trivia Night: The stakes are high. Major prize announcement tomorrow! 

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
10 Down dog Push-ups

5 Broad Jumps
5 Heavy Swings

Levels 2-4

3 – 3 – 3+
Deadlift (60-70-80%)

Add 10# to each work set from last week.

Levels 0/1

8 x 5
Double Kettlebell Deadlift



100 Burpee-Pull-ups 

L3/4 – as Rx 
L2 – 20 x 5 Burpees/5 assisted pull-ups (if you can’t do BP-up)

Levels 0/1

10 Burpees
15 Ring Rows