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Thursday 4/17/14

CrossFit Marietta Square Competition

Ask and you shall receive. CFSQ is an official Whole Life Challenge (WLC) participant. Join our team here.  Use code STRONG15 for a discount.

During this Challenge you will be introduced to a whole new you – the YOU that you always knew you were born to be. You’re gonna get super present to the daily choices that you make that affect your health, your well being, your life, and your community.

There’s no question that you’re gonna get healthy and fit. AND, if you’re not careful, you just might get something else.

As you go through the Challenge you’ll conquer obstacles, both new and old. You’ll become really present to what you really want and who you really are. And you may just find that slowing down and taking care of yourself and your community will result in your becoming happier!

It’s your first exercise in slowing down and taking a moment for yourself. When you’re done you’ll find that not only did the world survive, but you’re strangely refreshed, invigorated, and feeling more productive than you did just 8 weeks before.

So welcome aboard! This is your Lifestyle Revolution!

Jump Rope 3 Minutes

10 Down dog Push-ups
5 Turkish Getups R/L
10 Down dog Push

Kettlebell Snatch

E2MOM (12 minutes)
For max reps
Double Unders
Kettlebell Snatch (24/16)

Every 2 minutes switch exercises. Start with two minutes of DUs, then switch to KB snatch, changing hands as often as necessary, for the next two minutes. Repeat until the time is up. Score total reps of both exercises: eg, 72/410 = 72 snatches, 410 double unders.