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Thursday 3/23/17

#tbt to a most epic party. 

Final Live Announcement Tonight at 8pm.

Make Saturday your 17.5 day. Warm up starts at 10 am. Be ready to roll at 10:30. We want big heats and lots of energy. This is it. The end is near. BBQ to follow. Rain or shine.

Jump Rope 3 Minutes
Hip Mobility

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

L0/1 – substitute 10 Ring Rows for pull-ups if necessary


15 Minutes (about 3 sets):
Thruster practice
Jump Rope practice

Level 4
10 Thrusters (start with the bar and add weight each time, practice cycling reps)
5 TRIPLE Unders (just attempts if you can’t get it)
30 second L-Sits
Rest 30 seconds between each exercise

Level 3
10 Thrusters (start with the bar and add weight each time, practice cycling reps)
10 CONSECUTIVE Double Unders
30 second L-Sit
Rest 30 seconds between each exercise

Level 2
10 Thrusters (start with the bar and add weight each time, practice cycling reps)
60 seconds Double Under practice
15 second L-Sit
Rest 30 seconds between exercises

Levels 0/1
10 Thrusters (with one or two kettlebells)
60 seconds jump rope practice
15 second Knee-Tuck-Sit
Rest 30 seconds between exercises


20 Minutes

Levels 2-4

Barbell Snatch Progression

5 Sets
Snatch Complex

Power Snatch
Overhead Squat
Squat Snatch
Overhead Lunge R/L
30 Second Downdog Stretch
Rest 60-90 seconds

Levels 0/1

6-8 Sets
6/6 Single KB Russian Step-ups
6 Double KB Push Press
30 Second Plank with Shoulder Taps
Rest 60 seconds


40 yd Kettlebell Waiter Walk R/L
30 Bicycle Sit-ups (pause when elbow touches knee)