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Thursday 3/7/19

Krav Workshops continue this weekend.
Beginners and spouses and teenagers welcome.
Register HERE for this Saturday’s class. Use code MVMNT15 for your member discount.

Tomorrow night, we’ll meet at Two Birds Taphouse @ 8pm. Grab a friend and have some drinks with us!

Savage Race headcounts. Let Guido know if you’re running the Savage Race on Mar 30. You can email him at or call at (404) 291-4567. We also have a Google Form you can fill out.
Cost will be $112.36 and this includes insurance, race entry fee, etc.

Thursday Motivation
“Everyone has a gift to share with the world, something that both lights you on fire internally and serves the world externally, and this thing–this calling–should be something you pursue until your final breath. It could be your actual job, as it was for Einstein. It could be a creative hobby, as it was for Vivian Maier. It could be the care you provide to those around you.
Whatever it is for you, our lives were meant to be spent making our contribution to the world, not merely consuming the world that others create.” via James Clear

What’s your gift, MVMNT?

0:00 – 12:00
Super Dynamic Movement
Instructor Mobility

12:00 – 20:00
Workout Specific Practice

20:00 – 60:00 (40 minutes)

“Cobra Gold”

3 Rounds:

Jump Rope
30 Alternating Kick Throughs
10 Swings
30 180 Switch Stance Squat Jumps (touch floor with both hands at the bottom of the squat)
10 Swings
30 Plank Up/Downs
10 Swings
30 Alternating Crossover Lunges
10 Swings
30 Crouching Beast Push-ups
10 Swings
30 Superman Rows
10 Swings
30 Alternating Cossack Lunges (step back to standing between reps)
10 Swings
30 Bicycle Sit-ups

L4 – 100 DUs, 32/24k
L3 – 50 DUs, 28/22k
L2 – 200 Single Unders, 24/20k
L1 – 150 Single Unders OR 90 Seconds Quick Feet