18.2 Live Announcement – It’s going down tonight!! Join us at 8 pm to watch John Livergood and Mark Adams go head to head for total male masters domination. We’re looking for this week’s workout to be shorter and heavier. Come cheer them on in tonight’s Thursday Night Throwdown. #tnt
18.1 Rejection – The Two Top Male Scores for CrossFit Open Workout 18.1 Have Been Invalidated from Barbend. Whomp Whomp. Cheating will you get you everywhere…except during the Open. To quote Betsy from 6 am during her 18.1 workout, “Ohhhh, this is serious.” #norepsallday
Meanwhile at Rogue Headquarters in Ohio near The Arnold…(but no #mariohatesquotes ???)
Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility
10 Swings
5 Downdog Push-ups
1/1 Getups
15 Minutes: Bar Muscle Up Practice
Level 4
3 Bar Muscle Ups
45 Second Hollow Rocks
Rest 60-90 seconds
Level 3
Same as L4, OR
3 Huge Kipping Pull-ups – try to pull your belly to the bar
3 Band Assisted Muscle Ups on the High Bar
45 Second Hollow Rocks
Rest 60-90 seconds
Level 2
3-5 Strict Pull-ups OR 3 Slow Negatives + 3 Band Assisted Pull-ups
30 Second Plank on hands
30 Seconds Hollow on back
Rest 60-90 seconds
Levels 0/1
5 Slow Negative Ring Rows (count 3-4 seconds as arms extend)
30 Second Plank on hands
30 Seconds Hollow on back
Rest 60-90 seconds
20 Minutes
Levels 2-4
Barbell Clean Progression
5 Sets
3 Hang Power Cleans
30/30 Side Plank
30 Second Downdog Stretch
Rest 60-90 seconds
Levels 0/1
6-8 Sets
6/6 Single KB Russian Step-ups
6 Double KB Floor Press
30 Second Downdog Stretch
Rest 60 seconds
40 yd Kettlebell Waiter Walk R/L
30 Bicycle Sit-ups (pause when elbow touches knee)