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Thursday 2/15/18

***2018 MVMNT Intramural Captions***

Courtney Morrison
Nicole Pankopp
Graham Wickham

Now It’s Your Turn – Over the next week, these three Captains will be asking you to put your hand up to join the Open. Everyone should participate: Level 1, Level 4, young, old, fittest in the gym, still struggling with a box jump and everyone in between. The way MVMNT runs the Open allows anyone and everyone to contribute to your team score. All you need to do is show up and workout…no matter which version of the workout you choose. There are also team spirit and Thursday night throw down points up for grabs. It’s time to put a little extra pressure on yourself in the gym, push a little harder, have some fun and make your gym better.

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Push-ups

15 Minutes for quality

Levels 3/4

3-5 Bar Muscle-ups
60 sec Pike Stretch
5-10 Unbroken Kipping Handstand Push-ups
60 sec Straddle Stretch

Levels 0-2

3-5 Strict Pull-ups – negatives or bands if necessary
60 sec Pike Stretch
5-10 Strict Push-ups – work on holding a tight plank the entire duration of the set
60 sec Straddle Stretch


Levels 2-4
18 Minutes

3 Deadlifts
Work up to ~85% of your 1RM

Levels 0/1
18 Minutes

5 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts
30 second Downdog Hold


“Potential Grizzlies”

7 Minutes AMRAP

Levels 2-4

9 Clean and Jerks
9 Toes to Bar

L4 – 135/95
L3 – 115/75
L2 – 95/55 (use barbell ONLY if doing full range of motion Rx T2B also, otherwise: 2KB Clean and Push Press)

Levels 0/1

9 Kettlebell Clean and Push Press (Single–9 per arm–or Double)
9 Knees to Elbows (Hanging Knee Tucks/V-ups as necessary)