Andy’s Going Away: Tonight at 8 pm. Meet us at the bar in Stockyard.
Jump Rope 3 minutes
20 Minutes
All Levels
Barbell Snatch Progression
L3/4 – once through with empty bar, then ascending sets of :
3 Power Snatch (from floor)
3 Behind the Neck Jerk (Snatch Grip)
L2 – start with pvc or empty bar depending on ability, then:
Practice Above the Knee Hang Power Snatch
L0/1 – practice progression with pvc
5 x 2 @ 60%
Level 0
Kettlebell Deadlift Practice
16 Minutes: 20sec work/10sec rest for 4 minutes
4 Minutes Tabata Burpees (0:00-3:50)
4 Minutes Tabata Double Unders (4:00-7:50)
Repeat, starting with Burpees at 8:00