Read-CrossFit Skills Don’t Just Happen: Making a Plan from Breaking Muscle. While we regularly program gymnastic skill cycles throughout the year, you cannot rely solely on those to master these skills. You must attack your weaknesses (particularly gymnasty ones) year round. Use the progressions we present during the skill cycles to continue building your muscle up or handstand walk or whatever fun bar trick you want to own.
Level 1/2 Test: Monday, January 25th at 7 pm.
Level 3 Test: Saturday, February 6th at 10:30 am. We love seeing that people have already signed up. It shows us that you’re committed and that you’ve prioritized your fitness around everything else. Interestingly, I already knew who I’d see signed up for the Level 3 test based on the extra work I see being put in before and after the daily training is complete. And it makes my heart happy.
We want you to do the Open. It’s fun and exciting and every year people set new PRs and accomplish something previously considered impossible. We also want you to be Level 3 to be scored by an authorized judge. If you’re considering doing the Open but aren’t training at level 3, here’s your opportunity.
Dynamic Athletic Movement
20 Minutes
All Levels
6 x 5
Overhead Squat
Downdog Push-ups
L3/4 – add weight each set if possible
L2 – start with pvc, then move to empty bar
L0/1 – practice with pvc
5 x 2 @ 85%
Level 0
Kettlebell Deadlift Practice
Volume Ladder – 10 Minutes
Perform five strict Push-ups the first minute, and add a rep each minute, so in the 10th minute you should perform 15 reps.
Rest 2 minutes, then,
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Air Squats