Annie DeCrescente – For those you who remember Annie, she won her 2nd pro MMA fight. Be sure to check out her win and give her a shout out!!
Gobble Jog – If you’re procrastinating on signing up, make it happen.
Young Athletes – No class next week. Last session of the year starts November 28th and runs through December 15th. $75 for unlimited classes.
Jump Rope 3 Minutes
Hip Mobility Series
10 Downdog Push-ups
Levels 3/4
6 Minutes E2MOM
3 Clean Pulls (with a one second pause at the top, balancing on your toes) at 125% of your Power Clean 1RM
18 Minutes E3MOM
3 Squat Clean at 80% of your 3RM Front Squat from last week
Level 2
6 Minutes E2MOM
3 Clean Pulls at 90% of your 1RM Power Clean
Pull from the floor, extend and shrug, with a one second pause at the top, balancing on your toes.
18 Minutes
Hang Squat Clean Practice
Start each rep from above the knee, keep the weight relatively light.
Work on pulling yourself under the bar rather than pulling the bar up to your shoulders.
Levels 0/1
5 Heavy Swings
30 second Downdog Hold
Use a KB heavy enough that you could not swing it for 10 reps.
5 Kettlebell Swing + High Pull (Double KB if possible)
30 second Reverse Table Pose
“Birthday Pony”
100 Double Unders OR Jump Rope for 3 Minutes, then
Levels 3/4
15 Wall Balls
10 Dips
L4 – Ring Dips
L3 – Band assist or bar dips
L2 – Box Dips
Levels 0/1
10 Double Kettlebell Thrusters
10 Box Dips