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Thursday 1/10/13


Some of you are still coming in with blank stares when it’s time to start lifting. If you have questions, ASK! You need to plot out your lifts for this entire cycle now, not week to week. Use the calculator, enter your max, and write down or print out ALL 4 WEEKS of lifts. Do not recalibrate your working 1RM every time you come in the gym.

Also, I cannot emphasize enough the importance of proper recovery and paying attention to the warning signs of overtraining. Make sure you’re eating lots of quality protein and veggies, and getting enough sleep every night. Don’t do high intensity conditioning every day. Use the lacrosse balls and foam rollers religiously to take care of your connective tissue. Do the mobility sequences after class or instead of conditioning sometimes.

If you’re doing it right, you should walk out of the gym feeling much better than when you entered.

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Sequence

3 Sets
10 Kettlebell Swings
10 Pull-ups
10 Squat Jumps
10 Push-ups

Power Clean week 1 (5-5-5+) @ 65/75/85%1RM

3 Rounds AFAP
15 Kettlebell Snatches R/L
10 Toes to Bar

Whole30 Day: Battle your cravings – Physically remove them from your house and remove yourself from temptation, i.e. it’s okay to decline an invitation out for happy hour.