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Thursday 1/25/18

Lessons Learned – There’s probably not as much time to hangout during the day. So, if you get the chance to come to 5 or 6 pm, there’s so much good stuff going on after class. Like listening to John pontificate.

***Saturday in the Park***THIS Saturday, if it’s not raining, meet the crew at Larry Bell Park between the Cobb Civics Center, Cobb Gymnastics and the Aquatics Center at 9:30. Yeah! There’s a track and giant open field for working out back there. We go to the park throughout the year and it’s SO MUCH BETTER with tons of people. Grab your training partner and get there! If you’re questioning the weather, check our FB page for the final word. (But set your alarm no matter what.)

RKC Instructor Certification – We’re hosting the RKC this weekend!! To do so, the gym will be closed all day Friday through Sunday. This certification is no joke and Candidate John needs your support. So show him some love! Unlike the vast majority of certifications, the RKC and StrongFirst have a high attrition rate, require you to pass physical and skill tests, and most importantly, evaluate your teaching capabilities. It’s like a 180 from paying $1000 for a t-shirt….know what I’m talking about, Mr. Glassman?

“In preparing for the RKC, be aware that this is an extremely active and physically demanding course. The current failure rate at RKC certifications can be as high 30% of all who attend. It is necessary to be in good physical condition to make it through this 3-day course.”

Before John can even start the course, he has to pass the Hardstyle Pushup test. Then John has to….

  • Pass the Snatch test that will be administered at the end of the last day of the certification (100 reps with 24k in 5 minutes….this is after three days of never putting the kettlebell down)
  • Demonstrate a mastery of the techniques that make up the foundation of kettlebell training (he must actually pass a skills test)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of kettlebell safety and situational awareness
  • Demonstrate ability to teach (he actually has to teach a person off the street this weekend)

Whole Life Challenge – Shout out to the WLC Team! Things are going strong in team chat and breakthroughs are starting to happen. Don’t forget to next well being challenge will be announced this weekend. Be on the lookout.

Read – 10 Lessons Learned From a Klokov Olympic Lifting Seminar from Barbend. THIS IS PURE GOLD + Klokov.

2. A lot of times strength athletes only show respect to the bar when they’re performing 1-RM attempts.

Klokov noted this is often caused by athletes working towards a near maximal lift and having a certain amount of anxiety or fear focused on the completion of their attempt.

Larson phrased Klokov’s advice as, “With your training you need to respect 50 and 60 percent of your max the same way you respect your 1-rep attempts. If you don’t, that’s when people start to get hurt. You have to approach every lift with the same amount of concentration and focus as you do with maximal attempts.”

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility
Downdog Push-ups


5-10 Minutes

Levels 2-4

Barbell Snatch Progression

L3/4 – once through with empty bar, then add some weight and do the entire progression again
(like a partner complex with the emphasis on QUALITY)
L2 – start with pvc, then move to empty bar


Levels 3/4
18 Minutes total:
This segment is EVERY TWO MINUTES so you have to work quickly, and you should have a really solid idea of what you’re putting on the bar each set BEFORE you get started.

A. 6 Minutes E2MOM (3 sets)
3 Snatch Pull
Increase weight each set.

B. 12 Minutes E2MOM (6 sets)
3 Squat Snatch
Increase weight every set as long as your form stays on point.

Note the difference in the lifts for Level 2 and Levels 3/4. If you have not PASSED the Level 3 test, your workout is written BELOW.

Level 2
18 Minutes E3MOM

3 [Snatch + Overhead Squat]
Increase weight only if your form holds.

Levels 0/1

6 Sets

3x R arm [Kettlebell Swing + High Pull + Snatch]
3x L arm
3x Cossack Squats (move side to side in a wide stance, squatting down 3 times on each leg – use a kettlebell or hold onto a gymnastic ring for counterbalance if necessary)
30 sec Hollow Body Hold


Levels 3/4



(9 minute limit)

Handstand Push-ups
Toes to Bar

L4 – Rx
L3 – One Abmat

Level 2

(9 minute limit)

2kb Push Press
Knees to Elbow

L2 – T2B are better if possible

Levels 0/1

9 Minutes AMRAP
5 Push Press
5 Hanging Knee Tucks (1 second hold at the top – count “one-one thousand”)

L0/1 – double or single KB push press, do 5 on each side if using one bell