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Saturday 9/25/15


Run to Sessions 2x

10 Minutes
10 yd Downdog Walk
10 yd Frog Hop
10 yd Lateral Ape Walk
10 yd Reverse Downdog Walk
10 yd Reverse Frog Hop
10 yd Lateral Monkey Walk

Start to increase speed in the movements we’ve been practicing for several weeks: don’t sacrifice the basic movement quality, but see how moving a little faster feels.

For the Monkey, rather than keeping the hips low as in the Ape walk, let your hips come up high–even over your shoulders if you can–as you swing your legs up one at a time tand bring them down softly with control.


15 Minutes Handstand Practice

L4 – Practice Cartwheel to Face the Wall Handstand: the only thing touching the wall should be your toes and possibly your nose, body should be in a tight hollow position; then continue practicing sub-maximal sets of handstand push-ups (not facing the wall, NO KIPPING)

L3 – 60 second hold, then HSPU partials or negatives

L2 – accumulate 60 seconds total time in handstand hold, pike push-ups with feet on tire or box

L0/1 – practice kicking up to the wall, pike push-ups

***ALL LEVELS: Between sets of HSPU/pikes, practice the HOLLOW/ARCH drill 2-3x



All Levels
20 Minutes AMRAP
5 Burpees
10 Wall Balls
3x Suicides (5/10)

L3/4 – 20/14