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Saturday 9/12/15


Speed Ladder

10 Minutes
10 yd Downdog Walk
10 yd Frog Hop
10 yd Lateral Ape Walk


15 Minutes Handstand Practice

L4 – 60 second hold, then sub-maximal sets of handstand push-ups (NO KIPPING)

L3 – 60 second hold, then HSPU partials or negatives

L2 – accumulate 60 seconds total time in handstand hold, pike push-ups with feet on tire or box

L0/1 – practice kicking up to the wall, pike push-ups

***ALL LEVELS: Between sets of HSPU/pikes, practice the HOLLOW/ARCH drill 2-3x

Hollow/Arch drill – lie supine, flatten your lumbar spine to the floor and lift legs and arms up, bracing the midsection of your body; after about 10 seconds, roll over to prone position, keeping arms and legs lifted and engaging the spinal erectors. Roll back and repeat.


“Useful Fiction”

Levels 3/4
(16 Minute Limit)
25 Burpees
Toes to Bar
Ring Dips
25 Burpees

Level 2
(20 Minute Limit)
20 Burpees
Box Dips
20 Burpees

Level 0/1
(20 Minute Limit)
15 Burpees
Butterfly Sit-ups (or V-ups)
Box Dips
15 Burpees