LABOR DAY SCHEDULE: On Monday, Sept 3, we have one class at 10am. All other classes are cancelled. Normal schedule resumes Tuesday. Register on Mindbody!
Run to Sessions 2x
Instructor Mobility
“Return of Mr. Piddles”
(40 minutes)
4 stations, start at any station and proceed to the next one on the list (coach will assign start positions)
Maximum of 2 people working at any one station, 2 people may be resting and waiting their turn.
5 Minutes AMRAP
250 M Row
8 Burpees (L3/4 – jump over the erg)
Rest 5 Minutes (recovery run 400)
5 Minutes AMRAP
30 Double Unders
10 Wall Balls
Rest 5 Minutes (recovery run 400)
5 Minutes AMRAP
10x 5 yd Shuttle Run (back and forth 5x, touch the cones 10x)
15 Swings
Rest 5 Minutes (recovery run 400)
5 Minutes AMRAP
15 Box Jumps
10 Toes to Bar
Rest 5 Minutes (recovery run 400)
Standard substitutions for all exercises.