You are currently viewing Saturday 4/9/16

Saturday 4/9/16

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
10 Down dog Push-ups


“Shamhat and Enkidu”

30 Minute limit for all Levels

Levels 2-4

200 yd* Sandbag Carry
10 Burpees 
5/5 Kettlebell Snatches
30 Double Unders

L4 – 65/55, 24/16 
L3 – 55/45, 22/14, 15 DUs (if mixing singles)
L2 – Single arm swings if necessary, 100 singles or 10 DUs as for L3

Levels 0/1

6 Rounds AFAP
200 yd Medicine Ball Carry
10 Burpees
8/8 Single Arm Swings
100 Single Unders

*200 yd – turn around at manhole cover halfway up to Sessions St.