Speed Ladder
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Push-ups
15 Minutes
Levels 3/4
3-5 Nose to Wall Handstand Walk Outs*
12 Alternating Pistols
*For this exercise, start in a Handstand facing the wall, then shift your weight over your fingertips until your feet are no longer touching and you are balancing on your hands. Taking little steps, walk out about 5-6 feet and then either drop over into the bridge or walk back to the wall and come down.
Levels 0-2
3x Handstand Wall Walk Up
10/10 Box Step Ups
Starting in a plank with your feet touching the wall, walk your feet up and then walk your hands in as far as you are comfortable, if possible all the way into a nose to wall handstand. Keep your midsection engaged and your pelvis tucked the entire time, so your body stays in a strong plank all the way up the wall. Reverse the movement to come down.
25 Minutes AMRAP
Alternate exercises with partner – A does HSPU, B does T2B, A does Snatch, etc.
Team score for the workout is total number of Sled Pushes.
Levels 3/4
7 Handstand Push-ups
14 Toes to Bar
7 Barbell Snatch
14 Kettlebell Swing
20 yd Heavy Sled Push
L4 – 115/85, 32/24
L3 – 95/65, 28/22
Levels 0-2
7 Double KB Push Press
14 Knees to Elbows
7 Burpee Box Jump Overs
14 KB Swings
20 yd Sled Push