0:00 – 8:00
Super Dynamic Warmup
8:00 – 20:00
Instructor Mobility/Animal Flow
20:00 – 30:00
Workout movement prep
30:00 – 60:00
With a partner,
100 rounds AFAP:
Barbell Complex
1 Romanian Deadlift
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Thruster
1 Push Press/Jerk
The bar may not touch the floor after the first rep of the workout. You must pass the bar to your teammate hand-to-hand. When you hand-off the bar, immediately perform ten burpees and the required jump rope reps before you can take the bar back from your teammate.
L4 – 95/65, 10 burpees + 30 double unders
L3 – 95/65, 10 burpees + 15 double unders (75 single unders)
L2 – 75/55, 10 burpees + 75 single unders
Levels 0/1
With a partner,
100 rounds AFAP:
Kettlebell Complex
1 Swing
1 Clean
1 Squat
1 Push Press
Switch Hands and repeat (one round is BOTH sides)
Same rules as above.
L1 – single kettlebell, 10 burpees + 60 line hops
L0 – per coach’s instruction
5 Med Ball Hip Hinges
5 Med Ball Squats
5 Push Wall Balls
5 Burpees
60 Line Hops