Jump Rope 3 Minutes
Hip Mobility Series
10 Downdog Push-ups
***If you want to try yesterday’s workout ‘Merchandise’ instead of the cleans, warm up thrusters and rowing***
Levels 3/4
6 Minutes E2MOM
3 Clean Pulls (with a one second pause at the top, balancing on your toes) at 125% of your Power Clean 1RM
18 Minutes E3MOM
3 Squat Clean at 80% of your most recent 3RM Front Squat
Level 2
6 Minutes E2MOM
3 Clean Pulls at 90% of your 1RM Power Clean
Pull from the floor, extend and shrug, with a one second pause at the top, balancing on your toes.
18 Minutes
Hang Squat Clean Practice
Start each rep from above the knee, keep the weight relatively light.
Work on pulling yourself under the bar rather than pulling the bar up to your shoulders.
Levels 0/1
5 Heavy Swings
30 second Downdog Hold
Use a KB heavy enough that you could not swing it for 10 reps.
5 Kettlebell Swing + High Pull (Double KB if possible)
30 second Reverse Table Pose
(15 minute limit)
3 Squat Snatches
6 Pull-ups
9 Burpees
L4 – 135/95, C2B pull-ups, Bar Facing Burpees (try for 12 min)
L3 – 115/75, chin over bar, BFB
L2 – 95/55 OR 6 2kb Front Squats, band assist, regular burpees
Level 0/1
6 Goblet Squats
9 Burpees
12 Ring Rows