You are currently viewing Saturday 1/6/18

Saturday 1/6/18

Speed Ladder
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Push-ups
20 Alternating Birddogs (hold each rep for one second)
10 Russian Babymakers
10 Hawaiian Squats per leg (hold on to the pull-up rig or a box if necessary for balance)

Kettlebell Warmup:
5/5 Halos
40 Yd Waiter Walk R/L



30 Minutes (5 Rounds)

3 Minutes AMRAP
Box Jumps
AMRAP Thrusters
Rest 3 Minutes

Your score is the total number of Thrusters you get over all 5 rounds.

L3/4 – 30 box jumps, 20 T2B, 95/65
L2 – 20 Box Jumps, 20 knees to elbow, 75/55
L0/1 – broad jumps, knee tucks, double or single KBs