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Monday 8/14/17

2 Days – FREE SHIRT!! Tomorrow is the deadline to signup for the Tactical Strength Challenge and get a free shirt when you sign up. Just click right here to and make it happen. Barbell Deadlift. Pullups/Flexed arm hang. Kettlebell Snatch. Test yo’self.

Next Level 1 & 2 Test – Monday, September 11th.

LEVEL 3 TEST – We have scheduled the next (and probably last for the year) Level 3 test for October 14th. Sign up will be available soon. Time to set your eyes on the prize.

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Push-ups

Push-ups (L4: 20, L3: 15, L0-2: 10)
1/1 Getup


Levels 2-4

20 Minutes E2MOM (10 sets)
1. 5 Bench Press at 80% of 1RM
2. 5 Pendlay Row at ~50% of 1RM Deadlift

Since many of you will be sharing a platform it is going to be essential that you move quickly on and off the bench, get set, and hit the reps. If there are 2 people on a platform, each one should start at a different exercise and switch off on opposite minutes. More than 2 and you will have to coordinate amongst yourselves to stay on the right interval.

The Pendlay Row is a barbell bent over row in which the bar comes to rest on the floor at the end of each rep. Set up as if you were going to perform a deadlift, shoulders over the bar, chest almost parallel to the floor. Grip the bar firmly and pull it into your belly using your arms and lats. YOUR LEGS SHOULD NOT MOVE DURING THIS LIFT.

From Mr. Pendlay himself…..

Levels 0/1

5 sets (~20 minutes)
6 Kettlebell Floor Press
12/12 1 Arm Row
30 Second Reverse Table
Rest 60 seconds



Levels 3/4
(12 minute limit)

5 Power Cleans
10 Handstand Push-ups
20 Ball Slams

L4 – 155/115
L3 – 135/95

Level 2
(12 minute limit)

5 Power Cleans
10 Push Press
20 Ball Slams

L2 – 95/65 OR DKB Cleans and Push Presses

Levels 0/1
10 Minutes AMRAP

5 Double Kettlebell Clean and Push Press
10 Push-ups
20 Ball Slams