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Monday 7/18/16

Weekend in Review:

Shout out to Trent B. & Co. on a 4th place finish missing the podium by only 1 point at the Dog Days comp on Saturday!!! They took first on 2 out of 4 events. It was a battle til the end indeed.

Many thanks to everyone that came out to the Sauros’ pool party!! It was a blast getting to know some of the new faces in the gym. And we got majorly lucky missing out on the rain…We got about 3 minutes total of rain….next time, don’t let a few dark clouds keep you away from the fun (Matt & Nayoung). 

A very special thank you to Jade Stevens for volunteering her time over the weekend to work with us on the New You Challenge! She kept the flow of new clients moving seamlessly and we’re looking forward to working with her again this week. 

Team PrettyStrong traveled to Rockville, Maryland to attend the SSPT Women’s Strength Summit. “Today is always the perfect day to train” with a crew of strong women!!! What a weekend at the ‪#‎SSPT‬ Women’s Summit!

“I went to this seminar in Maryland with a million things on my plate. Chiropractic school is in session and this is the most challenging quarter thus far, with the major clinical capstone class (McCoy), national boards, clinic exit exam (OSCE), and every weekend BOOKED with business classes, board review, powerlifting events, and my bff’s bridal shower and wedding on separate weekends out of town…

3 months into motherhood, I am so proud of myself for REALLY showing up! I could have easily used Rosalie as an excuse to not make this trip, and there were days that I wanted to because time is precious this quarter and I am already TIRED. But I went, I went all in, and I learned so much about myself as a person above and beyond the topics discussed in the lectures. I decided to go with the attitude of a novice because postpartum I seriously am starting over. I never mentioned my years of experience or background to anyone unless asked. I just went with an open mind to learn something from everyone, even those with less experience in the sport than me. And I came out with a profound sense of humility that I don’t think I’ve ever experienced because I know everything!!! Ha! Ego is a bitch that I’m cool putting behind me. This weekend proved to me that doing what you love is always worth the sacrifice and the sleep. I love chiropractic and I love powerlifting, but most importantly I love these communities because they support this type of mental, physical, and spiritual growth.” -Vanessa Gale, MVMNT Strength Coach

Finally, the Adjusting Ninjas chiropractic seminar went off without a hitch. All of you, our MVMNT members, deserve a shout out for letting them use the gym this weekend. Now that everyone’s had a few solid days of rest, you should be ready to crush it this week!!

Speaking of the New You Challenge, if you have a lady in your life considering taking on this 6 week training and nutrition challenge starting August 1st, have them directly contact Seats are going like hot cakes and we expect to be full no later than Wednesday.



Run to Sessions
Hip Mobility Series
10 Downdog Push-ups



Levels 2-4
5 Rounds, each AFAP

5 Front Squats
10 Burpees
5 Hang Power Cleans
10 Pull-ups
Rest 2:00

L4 – 155/125
L3 – 135/95
L2 – 75/55 (or more), band pull-ups

Levels 0/1
5 Rounds, each AFAP

8 Kettlebell Front Squats
8 Burpees
8 Kettlebell Swings
8 Ring Rows
Rest 2:00


Alternate with a partner: 
3 Rounds

60 sec Double Kettlebell Rack Walk
60 sec Rest


5 Minutes

Plank Challenge – 60s on hands/30s elbows/30s R leg, L leg/30s R side, L side/30s hands/60s elbows