We have reached the end of another strength cycle, so this week we are looking for Personal Record (PR) 1 Repetition Maximums (1RM’s). This is basically the heaviest weight you can successfully move in each of the four lifts we’ve been focusing on (High Bar Back Squat, Power Clean, Press, and Deadlift). If you tested your maxes after the last cycle, you should have a pretty good idea of what you will be capable of this time around. If you want a more “objective” way to estimate your strength, you can use the 1RM calculator on this site: http://www.exrx.net/Calculators/OneRepMax.html. As a general rule, your heaviest 5 reps is about 85% of your 1RM, and your heaviest triple is about 90% of your 1RM.
Look through your training logs to determine what you ought to shoot for in each lift. Once you have that number, you can plan your attempts. As usual, warm up with the empty bar first, then perform a set of 5 at about 50% of your predicted 1RM and then a set of 3 at 60%. After these warmup sets, you will be allowed exactly 5 single lifts to reach your max. By planning your lifts in advance, you will have a much better chance at a successful PR attempt. And be sure to rest at LEAST 2-3 minutes between singles.
For example, in the last week of the cycle a lifter has pulled a triple in the deadlift at 205#. Her predicted 1RM is 217#. After a set with the empty bar, she will lift 115# for 5, then 135# for 3 (notice we rounded the weights for ease of loading the bar). Now for the singles: 165 (75%), 185 (85%), 205 (93%), 215 PR, 225 (big PR!).
Be prepared when you come in the gym this week to push your strength to the limit. This will require proper nutrition and adequate rest. You should aim for 8 hours of sleep a night, with no alcohol and lots of animal protein and good fat in your diet. Furthermore, if you truly want to determine your 1RM’s, cut out all the cardio/metabolic conditioning this week. As in, NO 5k runs, NO long bike rides, NO jogging with the dogs, NO burpees (gasp!), NO CrossFit WODs, NO basketball games. None. But that’s just if you really want to know what your absolute limit strength is.
We realize that other things are more important to most people. So buy in at the level that you want. But don’t complain if you fail an attempt and you haven’t done everything you could have to adequately prepare.
Now, let’s get some PR’s!
Dynamic Athletic Movement
3 Sets
Hip Mobility Sequence
10 Down Dog Pushups
1 Rep Max
1 Rep Max
Olympic Back Squat