You are currently viewing Monday 6/17/13

Monday 6/17/13


Happy Two Year Anniversary to everyone that has MADE CrossFit on the Square!!! Thank you to our incredible instructors: Greg, Kandice, Eric, Vanessa, Dave & Andy, dedicated clients, and all of our family and friends that make up the CFSQ community! The last two years have been nothing short of amazing. We are so grateful to each and every person that has helped shape our strength and conditioning practice. We are truly humbled by the motivation and drive you demonstrate in and outside of the gym.

We are so excited to be able to give you a bigger and better facility in just a few short weeks. We will celebrate in grand style. Get ready!

Strength Class: Meeting during the evening Elements class this week only while Dave & Vanessa are off planning the wedding!

Dynamic Athletic Movement

10 minute cap, break up reps as necessary:
30 Overhead Lunges (15 per leg)
30 Down-dog Push-ups
30 Ab Wheel Rollouts

10 minutes
Kettlebell Windmill

20 Minutes AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats