Once again, thank you to Joe, Greg, Kelvin, Eric and Jon for all of their efforts at the new location this weekend!
Strength Class/PL Team is starting a new cycle tonight. If you plan to be a part of it, you need to plan to be in class tonight at 8pm to receive all of the necessary information and instruction. Your read ahead is here. Reminder: Strength class is included in UNLIMITED membership only. Everyone else must pay dues. Life University students should talk directly to Vanessa & Dave. Good luck to everyone taking finals this week & congratulations to Huck competing in his first Strongman competition this past weekend!
Saturday 10:30AM classes are cancelled until we relocate. If you have any personal items at the gym (not including your training log), you need to get them out or they’re likely to be tossed during the move…yep, that means your squat shoes, towels, knee sleeves, water bottles, etc. If you want to keep it, you better take it.
Speed Ladder
Hip Mobility Series
3 Sets
5 Pull-ups
10 Divebombers
15 Kettlebell Swings
3 x 20 R/L
Single Arm KB Row