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Monday 4/22/13


Congratulations to Darrell, Amanda, J, Shelley (not pictured) & Jon for their performances this weekend at the USAPL Powerlifting for Pink at CrossFit Johns Creek! All five lifters went 8 for 9. All five lifters set personal records on their Squat & Deadlift. Thank you to everyone that came out to support these incredible lifters, Vanessa and Dave for coaching and handling the lifters, and to CFJC for hosting the event. The PL Team raised several hundred dollars for Paint Georgia Pink. It was a fantastic day all round! We look forward to watching the Team do it again at RAW Nationals in Orlando!

Coming up next is the Power Athlete Team Series at CrossFit North Atlanta on May 4th. We will also be announcing our last BIG event to be held at our current location very soon.

Dynamic Athletic Movement

10 Pull-ups
20 Ring Push-ups
30 Overhead Lunges (15 per leg)

Front Squat
(Ascending sets)

3 Rounds AFAP (12 minute limit)
12 Alternating Front Rack Lunges*
12 Clapping Push-ups
5 Shuttle Runs (10yd out and back = 100yd total)

*use 35-40% of heaviest front squat (eg, if your last set of squats was 95#, use a 35# Kettlebell held in front of your chest)