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Monday 4/14/14


This week we begin a 7 week cycle focused on the basic combative skills of Krav Maga. There is nothing magical or special about these techniques–punches, kicks, knees, and elbows–but competency in striking is the foundation of any decent self defense system. Our program is all about general physical preparedness, the ability to play rec league sports, push your car out of a ditch, evacuate a burning building while carrying a family member, as well as defend yourself with your bare hands against a violent aggressor.

We will start with simple stance/movement drills in the first couple of weeks and add strikes and more challenging drills as we progress. We will be using the heavy bags for conditioning a couple of classes a week, so you will need 16oz bag gloves and handwraps in order to train at that point.

Watch more about Krav Maga.

Krav Maga Movement

5 Turkish Getups R/L (alternating)

Back Squat

Ascending Sets

3 Rounds AFAP
10 Punch Balls R/L
10 Pull-ups
20 Air Squats