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Monday 3/16/15

Weekend in Review: Each week of the Open continues to get better. The workouts aren’t getting easier. The live feed isn’t getting smoother. YOU are getting better. Muscle up week has proven it. To everyone that got their first, congratulations. To everyone that did more than one in a row, congratulations. To everyone whose muscle up technique actually got better in the second round, congratulations. There was one performance that needs to be highlighted: Jason Tharp.

Jason spent the better part of Friday night working on his muscle up. Over and over, he hit that point that was soooo close but not quite there. Jason and I talked and decided he should do the scaled version and then work on some MU drills afterwards. In the second heat on Saturday, Jason crushed the scaled version with a score of 791. After several more heats, I noticed Eric Lichtfuss holding a clipboard, Jason standing under the rings and the timer counting down from 10. He was making an attempt at the Rx version. My fingers were crossed that he’d get one good rep in. One right after the other, Jason was nailing the muscle ups with unquestionable form. He flew through the wall balls and dubs and was back to the MUs. He got a few muscle ups in just before the 14 minute cutoff. It was an impressive display of fortitude and tenacity. If you see him over the next few days, tell him congrats…and ask him how his quads feel. 

More congratulations go out to Bethany Tharp who completed her CrossFit Level 1 Certification this weekend and to Sara Ann for completing the CrossFit Olympic Weightlifting course. 

Many thanks to everyone that came out yesterday afternoon for Danielle’s yoga session!! It was a major hit. Be on the lookout for her yoga class to become part of our regular weekly class schedule very soon!!

Tomorrow (don’t worry there will still be green beer left at the pub for you), Level 1/2 Testing at 7pm. You are required to sign up for the level you are testing for. If you want to work on more advance movements and skills, you must test. Be prepared to show your wristbands in class this week…

Open Competitors: Get your scores submitted before 8pm tonight!

Dynamic Athletic Movement

10 Down Dog Push-ups 
5 Turkish Getups R/L
20 Kettlebell Swings 

Alternate with a partner*

Levels 3/4
5 Sets
8 Hang Clean Thrusters

L4 – 135/105
L3 – 115/75

Levels 0-2
5 sets
5 x 1+1+1

L2 – Double Kettlebells – 5 times swing/clean/thruster, then your partner goes 
L0/1 – Single Kettlebell – 5 sets of the complex with one hand, then the other, then switch with your partner 

*The workout will be scored based on teams completing their sets unbroken. For L3/4 that means touch and go: once you begin the first clean, the barbell may not touch the floor again until the 8th thruster has been finished. One point is earned for each partner’s set completed this way, for a total possible score of 10 (5 sets for each partner). The same idea applies for the kettlebell variations. 

20yd Sled Push