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Monday 3/19/18

End of the Open BBQ – Join us this Saturday from 9:30 – 2(ish) for our annual Member Appreciation BBQ!! Whether you’re at the top of the leaderboard, doing your first Open or just a MVMNT fitness enthusiast, please come cheer on your fellow members and eat some steak.

We’re supplying all of the meat and need you to bring sides and desserts and beer and coolers and wear your favorite tank top. Bring the whole fam to watch you in the final throws of the 2018 Open and stick around for a few laughs.

We highly encourage ALL OPEN COMPETITORS to save this week’s workout for Saturday. We’ll run as many heats as necessary until everyone is gathered around the grill.

This is one of our favorite events of the year! Please make plans to attend!

**There will be no posted workout for Saturday other than 18.5. You’re more than welcome to come for Open gym but please be mindful of the Open competitors’s resource needs.

Jump Rope 3 Minutes
Hip Mobility

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

L0/1 – sub 10 Ring Rows for pull-ups if necessary


Levels 3/4
(21 Minutes total)

Take 15 minutes (including warmup sets) to work up to a heavy single back squat for the day, then:

6 minutes E2MOM (3 sets)
3 Back Squats at 85% of today’s heavy single

Note the difference in the lifts for Level 2 and Levels 3/4. If you have not PASSED the Level 3 test, your workout is written BELOW.

Level 2

Take 20 minutes (this includes warmup sets) and work up to your heaviest Back Squat triple.
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Stop when your form breaks down–make sure your chest stays up, hips go below parallel, knees track the toes, heels stay rooted.
If you hit your max early, you can do some lighter back-off sets for technique practice.

Levels 0/1

6-8 Sets

8 Double Kettlebell Squats
4/4 Plyo Step-ups
8 Ball Up Sit-ups
30 second Reverse Tabletop
Rest 1 minute



15 Minute limit

Levels 3/4

Double Unders
5 Snatches
30 Toes to Bar

Double Unders
10 Snatches
20 Toes to Bar

Double Unders
15 Snatches
10 Toes to Bar

L4 – 50 DUs, 135/95
L3 – 25 DUs, 95/65

Level 2

4 Rounds AFAP

60 seconds Jump Rope (singles or DU practice)
6 Snatches
12 Toes to Bar/Knee Tucks

L2 – 75/55

Levels 0/1

4 Rounds AFAP

60 seconds Jump Rope
6 Double Kettlebell Clean and Push Press
12 Hang Knee Tucks/Situps