Today is the beginning of our next strength cycle. We are implementing a variation of Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 strength training program, which is a different approach to lifting than we have been using (this article on T-nation has a good overview). It is basically a 3-week cycle of increasing intensity, with a week to deload after. We will be focusing on the low bar back squat, overhead press, deadlift, and power clean. Ideally, you hit each lift once a week (if you don’t train that often, we have a modified program so you can still make progress).
First we need to determine a “working one rep max” for each of the lifts. This is not a true max, just a projection based on your current numbers. Based on this 1RM, we spec out the barbell loads for your program.
Reps break down like this:
Week 1: 5 – 5 – 5+
Week 2: 3 – 3 – 3+
Week 3: 5 – 3 – 1+
Week 4: 5 – 5 – 5
Loads break down like this:
Week 1: 65% – 75% – 85%
Week 2: 70% – 80% – 90%
Week 3: 75% – 85% – 95%
Week 4: 40% – 50% – 60%
Obviously, you (yes, you) will need to get a calculator and crunch some numbers before each workout. Or you can go here and use the calculator or download a spreadsheet to help with the calculations.
There are links in this blog, click through and read them. Educate yourself about your training. We’re here to facilitate your strength and conditioning development, not to spoon feed and hand hold you through the process. Please ask questions in class or on facebook–if you want to know something, chances are someone else needs the same info. By the end of this week I expect everyone who’s been a member for 2+ months to understand what’s going on.
Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
3 Sets
10 Swings
10 Pull-ups
10 Squat Jumps
10 Push-ups
Deadlift Week 1 (5-5-5+) @ 60/70/80%1RM
Burpee Challenge
5 sets, begin a new set every 2 minutes
10 Burpees in less than 30 seconds*
*if you cannot get all 10 in 30 seconds, keep track because it will determine your reps next time we do this one
New classes added to the schedule! We now have 6am & 12:15pm Monday-Friday.
Whole30 Day 1: Animal Protein + Lots of Vegetables + Fat + Seasonings. Done.