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Monday 1/5/15

Happy New Years, CFSQ! Let’s take this thing up a notch!

Ok lots of stuff happening this week…

New training cycle: GAMES PREP/CF GYMNASTICS

There are roughly 7 weeks until the first CF Open workout is published. This program is designed to maintain strength while developing gymnastic skills and muscle endurance and improve overall metabolic conditioning.

Much like the last gymnastics cycle, we will be spending 20-30 per session working on these skills, and the exercises will alternate every other day. Most days the skill training will substitute for our usual general warmup, but on heavy strength lifting days (Mondays and Thursdays) the skill practice will be AFTER the lift, for roughly the last half of class. Members who have attained Level 4 should treat the skill session as a metcon workout on those days. All other levels should strive to improve their basic movement competence during this time. No one will get a score for these workouts.

For the next few weeks we will only be lifting heavy a couple of days a week. One day will be back squats, the other will be deadlifts. Follow the percentage prescriptions. No one should be training close to max effort for at least 5 weeks.

Olympic lifts will be on Tuesdays and Fridays, in E2MOM or 3-5 Rounds AFAP format, with the focus on getting comfortable with the loads that generally show up in CF Open workouts. Lower level members will continue with Oly skill practice and kettlebell conditioning.

The CFSQ Nutrition Challenge is a 30-day nutrition and performance challenge. It is based on principles of the Paleolithic Diet, modern day life, science, and practical experience. This isn’t just a competition; it’s a springboard for incorporating healthy dieting practices into your life and holding yourself accountable. During the 30 days of this challenge, you are expected to be “strict” and not stray from the guidelines. This means, no grains, no dairy, no sugar, no alcohol.

The Task: Eat meat, vegetables, seeds, some fruit and nuts, little starch and no sugar. Stay strict.

The Rules:
You must take a before & after photo.
You must keep a nutrition log (app, pen&paper, or photos).
You must be honest with yourself & your partner…yes, your partner.

Your Partners: Groups of 2-3 will hold each other accountable. Official groups will be announced on Friday. Until then, we’re all in it together.

How it works: You will buy into the challenge for $10. All entry fees go into the Paleo Pot. For 30 days you will eat as strict clean paleo as possible.

But cheats happen: Cheats will cost you points and $$$. In this challenge points are bad and you will literally pay for bad food choices. You will submit points by the end of each Monday. First submission due January 12. Surprise mini challenges may pop up every now & then to get rid of some of those points.

The Prize: Overall male & female with the lowest points will split the Paleo Pot 50/50. A “Spirit of the Challenge” will be chosen who will pick a Hero, benchmark, or design their own workout to be performed on Day 31. Everyone wins self respect and a refreshed outlook on eating and performance.

The 2015 Twist: You have until Thursday, January 8th, to make the decision to opt in. Your 30 days (maniacal laugh) starts when you tell us. Today, tomorrow, etc. Thursday is the last day full fledged (those trying win some $$) participants can start.

Saturday Open Gym: The 10:30 am class is now open gym and will run until 12pm. If no one is there by 10:45, the instructor is not obligated to stay. This goes for all open gym times. Please show up on time. You must sign up for open gym times just like regular classes. Open gym counts towards your membership package.

Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series

Levels 2-4
3 x 5
Sets across at 60%

Levels 0/1
5 x 5
Double Kettlebell Front Squat

Level 4
5 x AFAP
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
12 Pushups
20 second L-sit
15 Wall Balls

Break up reps into manageable sets
Level 3
50 Kipping Pull-ups
60 Pushups
100 second L-sit
75 Wall Balls

Level 2
30 Chin-ups
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
50 Pushups
100 Second L-sit
50 Wall Balls

Levels 0/1
50 Ring Rows
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
30 Box Pushups
180 Second pushup position plank
50 Wall Balls