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Monday 12/8/14

After a 5 round battle against Jenna Fox (12-2), Annie DeCrescente won her SECOND title fight within 7 days of her last. Annie is on fire! I highly recommend taking class tonight from The Champ.

Greg Maggie Xs and Ys 2014

Massive congratulations to Maggie and Greg for absolutely killing it at Xs & Ys on Saturday! After deciding I couldn’t participate due to an injury, we called Maggie at 8 pm the night before asking her to fill in. She more than stepped up at the last minute. The competition was fierce this weekend. Greg and Mags competed against some of the best in Atlanta including Games athletes andĀ over 70 participating teams.

Dynamic Athletic Movement

1 Getup R/L
10 Pull-ups
40 yd Bear Crawl

20 Minutes
Levels 3/4
5 x 2 + 2 @ 85% of PC
2 Power Cleans (L3 – Hang PC if necessary)
2 Front Squats

Level 2
Practice the complex:
Hang Power Clean + Front Squat

Levels 0/1
Clean Progression (PVC/empty bar)
Heavy Kettlebell Power Swing singles

“Post Native”

8 Minutes AMRAP
Levels 3/4
10 Thrusters (L4 – 115/75, L3 – 95/65)
10 Burpees

L3/4 – 5+ rounds is the expectation. If you come up short, run 800 yards for every round under 5.

Level 2
10 Double Kettlebell Thrusters (20/14)
10 Burpees

Levels 0/1
5 Single Arm Thrusters R/L
10 Burpees