Always flexing for the camera…Happy Birthday, Molly!
This is the last week of the cycle. There will be assessments happening throughout the week. You can scroll through the archives to refresh your memory. We are looking forward to lots of PRs this week!! Have a family member or friend that has been thinking about trying our program? The next Elements course starts January 7, 2013. New members that join between now and January 5th receive $100 off Elements! These fundamental classes are very limited in size. Sign up early!
15 Minutes
10 Downdog Push-ups
10 Goblet Squats
10 Kettlebell Halos
2 Turkish Getups R/L
1RM Kettlebell Press
Double Kettlebell Complex
5 Rounds alternate with Partner
5 Swings
5 Cleans
5 Presses
5 Snatches
5 Squats