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Monday 1/19/15

Level 1/2 Testing: Saturday, January 24th, at 11 am.

Nutrition Challenge Day 15: Points for days 8-14 are due today to If you slipped up pay up.

During week three, your body is still adapting to this new way of living. Your habits should be feeling even more natural, and compliance with the program should be getting easier… generally. But be warned, in some cases, cravings might return.

Don’t lose faith; it’s only temporary! Your brain may be staging a few final rebellions, tempting you with the thought that you’ve been so good for so long, don’t you deserve a little treat? Don’t be fooled! That kind of magical thinking is what led you to the very habits we’re trying to break. (On what planet is eating food that makes you less healthy a “reward?”) So stay strong, and know those old habits are no longer the boss… YOU are.

Some positive things you might be noticing:

  • You’re sleeping better than ever, and awakening feeling bright and refreshed.
  • Your energy is high in the morning, and remains stable throughout the day. (No more 3 PM energy slumps!)
  • You no longer need to eat every two hours.
  • Your hunger is appropriate and manageable.
  • You’re recovering better from exercise, helping you to attack each workout feeling fresh.
  • You’re still strangely… happy.

Remember, your behavior over the next two weeks will solidify your new habits into a “new normal” lifestyle—so keep up the good work!

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Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series

Levels 2-4
3 x 5
Sets across.
10-20# heavier than last week

Levels 0/1
5 x 5
Double Kettlebell Front Squat

Level 4
5 x AFAP
4 Weighted Pull-ups
12 Push-ups
20 second L-sit
15 Wall Balls

Break up reps into manageable sets
Level 3
20 Weighted Pull-ups
60 Pushups
100 second L-sit
75 Wall Balls

Level 2
30 Chin-ups
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
50 Pushups
100 Second L-sit
50 Wall Balls

Levels 0/1
50 Ring Rows
30 Hanging Scap Retractions
30 Box Pushups
180 Second pushup position plank
50 Wall Balls