Upcoming events: Costume contest on October 31st, Gymnastics Workshop on November 2nd and the Gobble Jog on November 28th.
Details for a mobility seminar and our holiday party will be coming soon!
Run to Sessions St. 2x
3 Sets
10 Swings
10 Halos
10 Cossacks
Kettlebell Pry Squats
The Pry Squat is a drill to create functional mobility in the hips, knees, and ankles to facilitate a strong and stable bottom position in the squat. Keep a tall posture as you descend into a goblet squat position without letting your heels come up. Wiggle your hips slightly side to side, clockwise, and counter clockwise to make figure eights, creating space in the hip sockets.
Try to keep sinking deeper in to the squat, but make sure it’s your rear end that is dropping and not your elbows. Your elbows must stay glued to the vastus medialis muscles inside and above the knees. Don’t go deeper if the extra depth comes from back flexion/rounding your spine. Go as deep as you can while keeping a flat back.
If you have trouble getting your hips deep enough, place 5# weights under your heels or use a box or the wall for added support. Hold for about 10 and 30 sec. Stand up, keeping your spine tall and upright. Make certain that your butt does not come up faster than your shoulders.
3 Rounds AFAP
Run 400 Yd
15 Pull-ups
15 Goblet Squats (32k/24k)