0:00 – 12:00
Run to Sessions 2x
Instructor Mobility
12:00 – 25:00
Kipping Pull-up Practice
Overhead Position Screen
Strict Pull-up Screen (must be able to do 3 reps strict to safely kip)
Controlled Swing on bar (hollow/arch)
Drive – load the hips as you come behind the bar
Kip up on floor
swing-drive-kip and pull chin over bar
Return phase (cycle to the next rep)
25:00 – 45:00
Levels 2-4
5 Sets (E4MOM)
5 Bench Press (increase weight each set)
5 HIGH Box Jumps
L3/4: 65/70/75/80/85%
L2: just start conservative and add a little weight every set if you don’t have a 1RM yet
Level 1
20 minutes
5 sets (E4MOM)
8 Double Kettlebell Floor Press
30 second Side Plank R/L
10 Box/Broad Jumps
45:00 – 50:00
Workout Prep
50:00 – 60:00
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Push-ups
L4 – HAND RELEASE SWINGS 32/24, Crossover Push-ups*
L3 – HAND RELEASE SWINGS 28/22, Crossover Push-ups
L2 – no rx weight, regular push-ups
L0/1 – no rx weight, box push-ups
*One hand on Kettlebell, push-up then switch hands as you transition to the other side of the bell.