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Friday 9/25/15

WLC Day 7: One week down! Don’t forget to log your points over the weekend. We will be interviewing some of the players over the course of these 8 weeks to get some insight into how things are going. Shabo is one our old school players and a MVMNT For Life Team Leader. Shabo is great because she is brutally honest with herself and was kind enough to open to you all.

Name:  Shannon Bohannon
Age: 41
Background: For the most part I’ve always been active, but I never played an organized team sport. I danced, did gymnastics and was a cheerleader growing up. I’ve lived in Colorado two separate times in my life and fell in love with outdoor sports: hiking, skiing, water sports, etc. Fast forward to marriage ‘n kids. After having babies,  I noticed a huge change in EVERYTHING! I played around with gyms, doing 1/2 marathons, personal trainers. Then one day I walked into MVMNT (CFSQ at the time). Since then, I’ve learned so much about myself and a better, truer understanding of what health is.

Is this your first nutrition challenge? I believe this is my 4th challenge.

Why do this again?  I love a good challenge and would love to see where this will take me in the gym, at home, and those dunk numbers! I’d like to continue to see those numbers moving in a positive direction.  I have gained one pound of lean muscle since this time last year and I’ve lost one pound of fat. Also, I’ve challenged my husband to get back in the gym after a short hiatus and to clean up his diet. We’ve had too much fun this summer.

Tell us about your current diet. Current diet this summer was okay during the week. Then I let it all hang out over the weekends!  So, with this challenge I’m looking to reverse a few too many bottles of wine and cheats. Last year, I started to play around with keeping an eye on my macros and adjusting them to fit me and this really helps my overall existence.  I’m happy, strong, sleep well and feel great. So, I’m doing that with this challenge for most meals.  It does add a different dimension of weighing things out. But I have a goal and I’m on a mission.

How did you going about preparing? Did you have to empty the fridge and start from scratch? Here’s the deal, I never have an empty fridge. I don’t eat out during the week so my meals come from LEFTOVERS. I LOVE LEFTOVERS! I have two kids that play multiple sports and, for the most part, everyone eats at different times during the week due to schedules. So, I have days where I cook right after carpool and fill the fridge.  I like BIG one pot meals for easy lunches: chili, soup, casseroles (paleomg has a 5 ingredient spaghetti squash casserole that is a staple in my house).  I also grill lots of chicken, cook ground beef/turkey and roast a ton of veggies. This makes it super easy to throw together lunch or dinner.  I do cook eggs for breakfast almost every morning (but that is so easy it should not be considered cooking).  And yes, I do put almond butter on my eggs and I’m addicted! 

It’s boring. How will you keep it interesting? Research new recipes and try new things!  I’m totally going to try the cauliflower crust thing. I’ve never been able to get it right. Switch up your routine! I went for a walk early Sunday morning and it felt amazing. Just have not done that in a while.  Also, get your friends and family involved in what you are doing.  All my friends and family know I’m doing this so we are planning ‘different’ things that don’t involve drinking a bottle of wine and eating a brick of cheese and crackers. Let’s get real. We all love a good time. But you have to focus on doing different social things (outside of the wine box).

Prep ahead or fly the seat of your pants? I do my best to plan ahead, but we are all human and there are going to be times that just sneak up on us.  Trader Joes/Kroger/Publix has great ‘pre-cut’ veggies and are great sautéed.  Keep your freezer packed with a soup or chili, something that you can thaw for a quick dinner.

What do you think about the online game so far?  You need accountability. Or maybe I should just say I need accountability. The online thing is a small reminder that you have to plug those scores in at the end of the night and I don’t want to let my teammates down! So I’ll think of you all before I shove that piece of chocolate in my mouth…in hopes it will stop me.20150921_194011 (1)

Name three go to meals.  

  1. 2 scrambled eggs, 2 tsp almond butter, 1/2 apple
  2. ground beef, avocado, roasted veggies (cauliflower, broc, onions, garlic)
  3. almost 5 ingredient pizza spaghetti pie

What will you miss the most? WINE…I do love me some wine!!!

Did you give up caffeine? Hell to the NO…but I did give up my cream.

Have a family? Are they doing it too? Ford, the hubby, is trying to stick very close to the rules.  I’ll keep you all posted!

This week’s bonus is meditation. Level with us. Are you really doing it?  Well, we are only 3 days in (at time of the interview). I did what I would call meditation for me.  I was alone and not moving for the required time (10 min…I set my timer). I laid on the floor in my bedroom with my butt up against the wall and my legs up on the wall. Call me crazy but this position helps me stay still. I have a hard time letting go of my to do lists, phone calls I need to make, stuff I need to get done, you know? But meditation should help with this, right?

Happy Whole Life Challenge!

Week 2 Lifestyle Practice Announcement:

YOGA this Sunday at 10 am is with Danielle. Come get on the mat and get your stretch on.


Jump Rope 3 Minutes

10 Minutes
10 yd Downdog Walk
10 yd Frog Hop
10 yd Lateral Ape Walk
10 yd Reverse Downdog Walk
10 yd Reverse Frog Hop
10 yd Lateral Monkey Walk

Start to increase speed in the movements we’ve been practicing for several weeks: don’t sacrifice the basic movement quality, but see how moving a little faster feels.

For the Monkey, rather than keeping the hips low as in the Ape walk, let your hips come up high–even over your shoulders if you can–as you swing your legs up and bring them down softly with control.


10 Minutes Pull-up/Crow + Somersault Practice

L4 – 3-5 unbroken sets of 2/3/5 – 2 strict chest to bar/ 3 strict/ 5 kipping

L3 – kipping technique practice – swing/drive/kip/return

L2 – strict pull-up practice – sub-maximal sets/chin-ups/negatives/partial reps/scap-retractions

L0/1 – same as L2, and ring rows

***between sets of Pull-ups, practice finding your balance in the Crow pose, and then overbalance toward your fingertips, tucking your chin and rolling through a somersault into a squat stance. It should go without saying that if you can’t get into the Crow pose yet, work on that rather than the somersault.


***ALL LEVELS: Review the Clean Progression as a group

5 x 5
Power Clean @ 75%

Level 2
Power Clean Progression w/empty bar then light weight Practice

Levels 0/1
Power Clean Progression w/PVC
5 x 10
Heavy Kettlebell Swings



12 Minutes AMRAP
5 Push Press
10 Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps

L4 – 115/85, C2B
L3 – 95/65
L2 – Double Kb PP, band/jumping pull-ups
L1 – 1Kb PP (5 reps per arm), ring rows, step ups if necessary