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Friday 9/4/20

Today will be Coach Cathy’s last day with MVMNT Gym. She is moving to Tennessee to be closer to her family. Cathy is my friend and neighbor and I’m going to miss her greatly. She has been an invaluable member of the MVMNT team since she started.  Cathy has had an enthusiastic and positive attitude toward coaching as long as I’ve known her. When she took over coaching the early morning classes there was a lot to learn, coming from a CF intensity mentality to one focused on movement quality. She dove headfirst into instructor training with me to learn about animal flow, kettlebell technique, steel maces, etc. It’s been great to see her develop as a coach in the last couple of years.  I don’t think anyone else will ever be able to bring that particular country girl energy to coaching here. So please join me in wishing Cathy good fortune and happiness in her future endeavors.

Thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication, Cathy.


0:00 – 20:00

Jump rope 5 minutes
Instructor Mobility

15 Kettlebell Swings
6 Alternating Beast Underswitch to Crab Reach


20:00 – 30:00

Workout explanation and setup

30:00 – 55:00

“I Stand Alone”

25 Minute limit

Goblet Squats
Kettlebell Snatches (split reps between RL)
Curls (hold the kettlebell by the horns)
Butterfly Sit-ups


55:00 – 60:00
