Tomorrow, Greg, Darrell and J make their way to Powerlifting for Pups at AK CrossFit. Greg is taking on him very first meet while J and Darrell look to set some state records. For all the details regarding the meet go to J and Greg are in Flight B and start lifting at 9:30am. Darrell is in Flight E and starts lifting at 2:30pm.
Making history on Jon Stewart.
Dan John’s Lesson 11: “90% of success is simply showing up.” Woody Allen
When I first began throwing the discus as a 118-pound tower of terror, I won a lot of meets. No matter what, the kids at the other school would tell me, “If (insert name of fat kid) would’ve been here, he would’ve beaten you.” I used to believe that crap.
Whenever I win something, especially now in the Internet age, I always find out later that “somebody else” would’ve won it if, of course, they’d just shown up. Folks, it’s a truism that should be stuck to your bathroom mirror. “Show Up!”
I’ve fond memories of helping a friend off the floor as he was dieting down for an amateur bodybuilding contest and he was doing depleting workouts. He was in a brain fog for probably three weeks. Of course, on the dais under the lights, he looked magnificent and won “easily.”
The dude showed up. If you’re gunna gunna, you have to show up to prove it. “Gunna gunna” was a phrase my mom used for people who were “gunna do this and gunna do that.” It’s like graduating from high school or college. I swear to you, if you just show up, you’re gunna gunna do just fine.
Jump Rope 3 Minutes
10 Down Dog Push-ups
Hip Mobility Series
5 x 2
Clean and Jerk (@ 75%)
Full “squat” clean, split jerk.
3 Rounds AFAP (10 minutes)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 Kettlebell Push Presses R/L (24/16)