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Friday 7/25/14


Read: 4 Lessons Everyday Athletes Can Learn from Professional Athletes

The Games get serious today. Don’t forget to actually do some work at work today. On another note, it is pretty wild that people from CrossFit gyms all over the world VOLUNTEER to travel to the Games (and Regionals..Niki!!) on their own dime basically to move equipment around and tell Athletes where the next event is. This is by far my favorite part of the CrossFit world.

Jump Rope 3 Minutes

3 Sets
1 Turkish Getup R/L
10 Down dog Push-ups

4 x 3
Snatch (@ 65%)

5 x 3
Clean (@ 65%)

Full “squat” version of the lifts.

10 Minutes AMRAP
25 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings (32/24)
10 Toes to Bar