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Friday 7/10/15


Dynamic Athletic Movement

3 Rounds
10 Downdog Push-ups
10 Cossacks

Levels 2-4
8 x 6
Back Squat

Sets across. Add 3-5% to the weight you lifted last week. There are 8 work sets, ALL to be done at the same weight. Rest no more than 120 seconds between sets.

Level 0/1
10 x 6
Kettlebell Squats (single or double)

“Freestyle Lilies”E2MOM 10 minutes
(5 Rounds)

8 Goblet Squats (30 seconds max)
30 Seconds AMRAP Box Jumps

L4 – KB 32/24, box 30/24
L3 – 28/20, 24/20
L0-2 – per instructor