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Friday 6/29/18

Run to Sessions
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Pushups


30 Minutes

Levels 2-4
Clean Progression

6 minutes E2MOM (3 sets)

3 Jerks at 75/85/95% of 1RM Clean and Jerk (increase weight each set)

3 Jerks at 80% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

10 minutes E2MOM (5 sets)

2 [Clean Pull + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean and Jerk] at 85% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

2 [Clean Pull + Hang Power Clean + Power Clean and Jerk] 85% of 1RM Clean and Jerk

12 minutes E4MOM (3 sets)

1 “Reset” Deadlift at 95% of 1RM

Levels 0/1
For these circuits, you should have about 30 seconds rest each minute (except for the first minute–the getups should take almost a whole minute for two reps).
Please note, I have changed the number of “required” sets for these workouts. This is to make explicit what should always be the case: the Level 0/1 program is very demanding, but it is also meant to be a place where you can LEARN and REFINE your fundamental strength skills. If you are rushing to get through the movements because you think you have to complete everything or you aren’t getting a good enough workout, you are approaching the training with the wrong attitude. I want you to get better at the movements, I don’t care how many sets and reps you do. The program is a rough template based on what I believe a very fit person could reasonably complete in the amount of time given. If you have injuries, limitations, are new to strength training, or are just having a bad day, you probably won’t and probably shouldn’t try to do everything as written. Ask your coach to review the movements you are unfamiliar with while the rest of the group gets started. Take an extra minute break between sets if you need to. Spend two minutes on one exercise. Spend 15 minutes working on squat mobility or improving your overhead position. Or go for it and hit everything–but only if you can perform your last rep of your final set with the same competence and control as your first.

15 Heavy Farmer Deadlift (hold for 2 seconds at the top with max effort glute contraction)
15 Double Kettlebell Strict Press
30 seconds alternating Birddogs (make it harder by keeping knees off the floor the whole time)
30 seconds Side Plank Hip Drop R
30 seconds Side Plank Hip Drop L

**Rest at least a minute between Circuit A and B.**

15 Single Kettlebell Lateral Lunge R (hold bell in opposite hand of lunging leg)
15 Single Kettlebell Lateral Lunge L
30 seconds Clean and Push Press R
30 seconds Clean and Push Press L
30 seconds Alternating Sit-Throughs

This is not a conditioning circuit. Do not rush the exercises. 15 minute limit.

40 yd Suitcase Carry Right
30 Plank Shoulder Taps
40 yd Suitcase Carry Left
10 Ab Wheel Rollouts

L3/4 – add 10 Sandbag Getups before every round



Levels 3/4
10 Minutes AMRAP
20 Wall Balls
15 Kettlebell Swings
10 Push-ups