Congratulations to Eric Woods, Grady’s newest paramedic!!
In Advance: A very happy birthday goes out to Vanessa Gale, our strength coach and mother to the cutest future powerlifter ever.
Intro to the Bar: Tomorrow at 10:30 am. Free. Gotta crawl before you walk.
Chris Pratt: He does the Murph Challenge every year and he’s a pretty awesome guy. Soooo….register here.
Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility Series
10 Down dog Push-ups
5 x
1/1 Turkish Getups
Levels 2-4
5 – 5 – 5+
Bench Press (60-70-80%)
Levels 0/1
5 x 8
Kettlebell Floor Press R/L (always 2 kbs)
“Daisy Age”
20 – 15 – 10
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps
Sandbag Cleans
L3/4 – As written
L2 – sub 2x V-ups for T2B if necessary
L0/1 – same as 2 OR sub step ups for box jumps, sub goblet squats for clean if needed