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Friday 5/4/18

Jump Rope 3 minutes
Hip Mobility
10 Downdog Pushups


Levels 2-4
10 Minutes:
Barbell Snatch Progression/Practice

Then 25 Minutes:

8 “Reset” Deadlifts (release the bar on the floor and reset your position every rep)
Sets across: all work sets at the same weight – 70% of your working 1RM
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

Levels 0/1
For these circuits, you should have about 30 seconds rest each minute.

8 Double Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift R
8 Double Kettlebell Single Leg Deadlift L
30 seconds Clean and Push Press R
30 seconds Clean and Push Press L
30 seconds Downdog Stretch

Rest two minutes between Circuit A and B.

8 Heavy Sumo Deadlift (hold for 2 seconds at the top with max effort glute contraction)
8 Double Kettlebell Strict Press
30 seconds Windmill R
30 seconds Windmill L
30 seconds Leg Lowers


Levels 3/4
10 Minutes AMRAP

10 Pull-ups
20 Wall Balls

L4 – Chest to Bar
L3 – Chin over Bar

Levels 0-2
10 Minutes AMRAP

10 Wall Balls
5 Pull-ups (OR 10 Ring Rows)