Congratulations to Vanessa and Dave!!!
Today, they are officially Doctors of Chiropractic! They are headed to Asheville, NC to open up the doors of their practice together, SynergyChiro.
BBQ is tomorrow!!! 17.5 Heats start at 10:30 am. Be ready to workout AT 10:30. The goal is to get everyone scored by noon so we can fire up the grill and get to celebrating. Can’t wait!!
Dynamic Athletic Movement
Hip Mobility
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
L0/1 – substitute 10 Ring Rows for pull-ups if necessary
10 Minutes (about 3 sets):
Thruster practice
Jump Rope practice
5 Thrusters (start with the bar and add weight each time, practice cycling reps)
10 Double Unders
Rest 60 seconds
Everyone else
5 Thrusters (with one or two kettlebells)
60 seconds jump rope practice
Rest 60 seconds
Open Workout 17.5
Rx Competitors
10 Rounds AFAP
9 Thrusters
35 Double Unders
Men use 95#
Women use 65#
Scaled Competitors
10 Rounds AFAP
9 Thrusters
35 Single Unders
Men use 65#
Women use 45#
ALL Competitors/Teams should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the movement standards as explained here:
Remember, in terms of competition, the purpose of standards is to ensure that everyone does the same range of motion for each rep. This makes competition possible–if everyone uses a different definition of “pull-up” then how can we compare scores? If you want your score to be relevant, perform the movements as demonstrated. If you (intentionally or otherwise) are taking shortcuts or cheating the range of motion, you will be no-repped, and you’ll have to repeat the movement until you meet the standard. This isn’t fun for anyone involved.
1. You must achieve full lockout on the Thruster: knees and hips fully extended, arms straight overhead, biceps next to ears.
2. You must squat below parallel on the Thruster.
Everyone else
12 Minutes AMRAP
5 Kettlebell Thrusters
50 Single Unders
L2-4 – double KB, 25 DUs if you want
L0/1 – single KB if necessary, switch hands every round